2.16.19 – One Q to Rule Them All

Saturday saw three of AO Mastodon’s PAX awaiting their Q in the brisk wind. After hitting the standard warm-up on their own, one resourceful PAX (Banks) decided today was a good time to break out the F3 Workout Deck they had purchased for just such an emergency. We Moseyed to the pavilion and proceeded to randomize our beat-down. After lucking out on the Ace pulls (for exercise, not reps) and turbo-ing through some cardio and ab workouts, some guy Q-drenalined his way into more bear-crawl than he could handle. Overall a good day and a well-rounded workout. Shout out to Archive for making it back to fighting shape after this week’s maladies.

COR/NOR/COT: Health, good spirits and recovery for 2/3 houses. Good, close relationships at home and hearts of service and personal courage.

Backblast, or it didn’t happen!